Digital Marketing
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Bring your own device and start learning coding, website building by watching videos and reading blogs on our website. Get certificates for winning STEAM competitions. Scholarships available for brilliant students.
In Canada, the number of females working in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics field is less compared to males. Our Mission is to decrease this gender difference by creating more work opportunities for young females.
We collaborate with Colleges, Schools and IT organizations to organize tech events, code and robotics programming and live sessions, educational trips for students in PTBO and nearby areas.
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It never fails that after building an e-learning course in Storyline, someone…
To enjoy the our journey of FemSTEAM PTBO launch and Skill Trade events check out FemSTEAM Photo Gallery
Sofie Andreou, Founder of 123DigitalPower, Digital Marketing Services & Training
"We'll train you or do it for you!"
Rhonda Barnet is the President & Chief Operating Officer of AVIT Manufacturing (formerly Steelworks Design), an engineering and custom automation firm in Peterborough, Ontario
As a long time business person in the area, Dawn Hennessey has enjoyed working with entrepreneurs, associations and the like for the last two decades